Pancakes au potimarron – crème légère de coriandre

Officiellement c’est encore l’automne, avec quelques cucurbitacées encore présents sur les étals des marchés, à côté des fruits secs, mandarines et autres légumes de Noël. Je suis en train de modifier la décoration de mon appartement, et donc adieu toutes mes belles courges que je sacrifie à la cuisine ! Lire la suite de « Pancakes au potimarron – crème légère de coriandre »

Clinton St. Baking


You probably don’t understand why New Yorkers are ready to do the line for 2 hours to eat but sometimes you just pass the door and you get it. Clinton St. Bakery opens at 9am on weekends. We got there at 9.02, the restaurant was already full and the waitress was putting your name on the iList. Minimum 45 minutes wait for a party of 2…that early…


But you will notice soon that Clinton St. Bakery cares about their customers. Slices of warm pancakes and small biscuits are served to people waiting.

I am eating my usual eggs benedict-weekend-brunch. The scallion and red bell peppers added change the usual taste. The biscuit is fantastic and remind me the soul food I used to eat last year in North Carolina. I can even claim these are the best egg benedicts I have had in NY.


However, people make the trip especially for pancakes. Eat them and you will get soon why people can be crazy about food. February was #pancakemonth, with special pancakes served during weekdays so you can eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They are fluffy, huge, and the blueberry on the top are just sweet enough. Just check the picture to understand how good it is, and run there (before 8.30am though!).

Clinton St. Baking
4 Clinton St,
New York, 10002
(646) 602-6263



Roberta’s is part of these restaurants that drive people outside of Manhattan and gave me the opportunity to discover Bushwick. Right outside of the subway, a whole new world comes to you once you pass the door. The smell of the pizza in the oven opens up your appetite. The wait time is the same than in Manhattan, but the waiting area at the outdoor heated bar is way more comfortable. Grab a cappuccino and a chocolate chip cookie that tastes heaven with the touch of salt for breakfast, time will run way faster.


I can’t wait to order the pizza. As usual, the simpler the better, I order a margarita. The crust is light, crispy and tender. Only a few ingredients, but they use the best tomato sauce, mozzarella and basil to reveal all the flavors.


Besides, yesterday was Chandeleur day in France, or crepe day. The best way to celebrate it is to order the cornmeal pancakes. They are to die for. It has been once of the best food surprises I had those past few days. Huge at the first sight, they are actually delightful and light. The cornmeal makes them taste different, the apple butter and the whipped cream are sweet enough, and they are hopefully not covered by too much maple syrup.

Roberta’s is a must-go restaurant, because of the (hipster) atmosphere of the different rooms, the food so delicious and because it gives you the opportunity to check the wall paintings all around Bushwick.

As a final note, I would like to thank their staff for having saved my precious iPhone I forgot on the table, not sure that would have happened back home.